by Char Jung | Mar 31, 2016 | From Char, Videos
This video demonstrates how to sage a room. You will want to sage a room, home or office after some big events have happened in the space and/or if nothing is happening. What are some big events? Arguments happened in the room/home/office. Physical fighting has...
by Char Jung | Feb 2, 2016 | From Char
We are living in an atmosphere that requires you to shine your Light….2016 is the doorway to your true destiny. Walk thru the doorway knowing that at your Core you are Light and Love. Choose not to cover your Light any more. This past year brought so much old...
by Char Jung | Nov 17, 2015 | From Char
Greetings and Thank you! For the past month or so every night before going to sleep I write down The Five. The Five are items/events/people/etc. that I am happy about, thankful for or grateful for during the day. It’s a magical little practice! In this newsletter...
by Char Jung | Apr 3, 2015 | From Char
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Easter Weekend 2015 As this past week unfolded and moved closer to this very powerful Full Moon weekend I have had some very disturbing, scary dreams. This morning’s dream was a bit intense, but had the most amazing message! Back track...