Breathing is allowing

Start Right Now. Right Where You Are At.
This is actually my very first video that I created on Zoom and then I uploaded to my Vimeo account. Then, I learned how to embed the video to this new blog. For some people, this process is easy-peasy. For me, it wasn’t hard, but it also wasn’t easy-peasy. I took a step, looked around and figured out how to do the next step….and then the next step…..which then lead me to the next step.
This video is faaaaaaar from professional, but that is okay. And more importantly I AM OKAY with it. In time, the videos may get “cleaned” up… I don’t know… right now I know that I was just real tired of talking about the videos I wanted to create and share so I’m just doing it… actually I’m BEing it. I’m BEing Me and allowing the creative forces to flow through me instead of waiting for everything to be perfect. It is NEVER going to be perfect. That is NOT what our adventure on Earth is about. It is about the experience of FEELING.
So I welcome you to this first Vimeo video on an easy way to ground and center.