If you have ever been in a conversation with me, you have heard me say that over and over…..that and, “isn’t that interesting?” is another phrase I say a lot!

The things that people do and say are fascinating!!

But here is the kicker!! Most people don’t even KNOW what they are saying or doing!

Let me give an example:
A part of the services in the business of Char Jung Mentoring is LifeWave Patches. The Patch is a non-transdermal Patch using photobiomodulation. It is all natural. Wearing the Patch has been life changing for me and Roger.

Anyhoooooo, at times I give out samples to people. It confused me IMMENSELY when people would either forget to put on the Patch….. OR…. say it helped but didn’t take the next step of saying, “yes, yes, I will wear the Patch daily and continue to feel better.”

Finally I got it! The program running in people’s mind and in their Energy Field is the beLIEf that they cannot feel better consistently. That they have no right to have great health every day all day long.

Have you ever heard the story about the memory of elephants? When the elephants are babies, they are chained to a pole in the ground. When the elephants are older, they stay in the same perimeter even with the chain gone.

They don’t know they can go farther!!

The same thing happens to people! They don’t know they can go farther.

That breaks my heart. People can have/be/do more than they currently Know.