Happy 4th of July!!!
We have just entered a time (Mercury Retrograde started 6/26/13 ends 7/20/13) when everything slooows way down and feels confusing so the intention is for this post to be quick and short. 
You may have noticed all of a sudden you want to change jobs, partners, cities, etc. This feeling may have been percolating in the background for the last couple weeks but came full force this week that you want something different and you want it NOW…..still not even knowing really what you want, but you want it different and of course better. A suggestion of a better way to work with the energy of these next 3 weeks is slow down. Play more. Rest more. And think/feel into this question:
What does my ideal day feel like?
Mercury Retrograde is a time to review.
(Review: Second or repeated study or examination. Look back over. Examine critically. Inspect.)
If you want something to be different in your life, go inwards. Stop the outside drama of change and distraction in hopes that life will be different. It won’t be, because the same energy is inside of you. Find out what energy is in there. What old beliefs, old programs, old judgments of yourself are you using to create your life? If your life is perfect and immensely happy, good job! Then the homework below will be easy, breezy. If maybe parts or none of your life is perfect, then give yourself the gift of spending time with your Soul/Inner Child instead of running away from it. Would you run away from a 4 year old that wanted to play with you?
You are a bright and Be-U-tiful Soul! Spend time with you. At the end of July you will have a better feeling/idea of what to do next. Doing anything quick now will need to be ‘cleaned up’ or revised.
Homework for the next 3 weeks:
Why do you want to change jobs/partners/cities/etc?
What is the emotion that you are avoiding?
What did you play all the time as a child? Play that again.
Wishing you a magical and fun filled 4th of July!!
p.s. A reminder that we are only open Tuesday and Wednesday, July 2nd & July 3rd next week. It is time to Play! Play! Play! Have fun!