Feels great to be out of Mercury Retrograde! Finally some moving forward energy….but hold on!
We have been experiencing some magical and BIG shifts since 12-21-12. Lots happening around the world…from the close travels of meteor, asteroids and comets. To another Heavenly sign that change is indeed underway….Lightning struck the St. Peter’s Basilica hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced that he will resign. And the new Pope takes the name of St. Francis…which embodies the energy of being in service to others.
This new energy is commanding that we become aware of what energy we are bringing into every situation. Do your thoughts and actions embody the energy of being in service to others?
This week the Crystal Chakra Series classes experienced what energy, beliefs, habits and emotions are located in the Throat Chakra. One of the biggest pieces of their playwork/homework is to become aware of what motivates their choices…..fear or faith/Love?
What motivates your choices? If the answer is fear, your life will mirror that….if the choices you make are motivated by Love, you will manifest a peaceful and harmonious life. We are at a New Era that is manifesting faster than ever before by what are thoughts and energy are that we bring into each moment. Whatever you think/feel about, comes about.
These next couple of days some active planets will be pouring their energy down on top of us. The more mindful and present in your Heart that you can be, the easier this energy will be for you….and ultimately for others as well because we each radiate out what we are feeling on the inside. Grounding yourself often, and feeling what motivates your choices (read, choose Love) will create the experience you desire. The Aries energy is fast. But remember, you are an empowered Being. Do what feels right for you in your Heart.