Happy New Moon & Year of the Horse

Happy New Moon & Year of the Horse

Holy Bean Bags!! Do/did you feel the energy pouring down on your Crown Chakra this morning?Loving it!!! Here is the message I received this morning on how better to move with the energy in 2014: … Look forward Right after that message, 3 different experiences...
January 2014 Energy Update

January 2014 Energy Update

Things are shifting and changing at Doorways To….. and we are practicing being in the moment as to not miss all the Guidance.  However,  the class schedule has now moved from “percolating” mode to “shifting into place” mode.  My intent is...

July Mercury Retrograde

Happy 4th of July!!! We have just entered a time (Mercury Retrograde started 6/26/13  ends 7/20/13) when everything slooows way down and feels confusing so the intention is for this post to be quick and short.  You may have noticed all of a sudden you want to change...

Happy Spring Equinox

DoorwaysTo_Newsletter_Aries Feels great to be out of Mercury Retrograde!  Finally some moving forward energy….but hold on! We have been experiencing some magical and BIG shifts since 12-21-12.  Lots happening around the world…from the close travels of...