The Golden Circle

A Journey Through the Medicine Wheel


What is a Medicine Wheel?

It is a circle of generated energy to promote self empowerment. “Medicine” is personal empowerment and your medicine is within you.

Your Journey on the Wheel

Join your guide, Char, along with other like-minded women, for two classes a month on Zoom. Char guides you on your walk inward. Learn how to tap into Your True Embodiment when we gather in Sacred Space as we “sit around the Fire” to connect and grow in Soul Expression.

Through meditations and lessons at each of the Stations on The Medicine Wheel, you will gain connection every step of the way, finding sparks of empowerment and fueling your personal medicine within you.

Reserve your Spot

Please join us! The Golden Circle begins Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 7:30pm – 8:45pm Central Time.

  • We meet twice a month on Zoom from September 2024 through April 2025.
  • Zoom recordings and transcripts will be shared within 48 hours of each class. (See all dates listed below)
  • A private platform for group support and materials is included.
  • Golden Circle members receive a discounted rate on 1:1 Mentoring from Sept-April.

Contact Char to discuss payment options for the $880.00 fee for your Journey Around the Wheel.
Registration closes Sunday, September 15th, 2024

“A wheel was shown to me, wonderful to behold.
Divinity….is like a wheel, a circle, a whole, that can neither be understood,
nor divided, nor begun nor ended….no one has the power to divide this circle,
to surpass it, or to limit it.”
~Hildegard of Bingen

Attending The Golden Circle is the Light through the winter.


FREE Golden Circle: September 11, 2024
These are the 2024-25 Golden Circle Session Dates:
  • September 18th and 25th
  • October 16th and 30th
  • November 6th and 20th
  • December 4th and 18th


  • January 8th and 22nd
  • February 5th and 19th
  • March 5th and 19th
  • April 2nd, 16th and 30th


Heres what past participants have shared about their experience:


Healing circles with Char help take my mindfulness practice to the next level. Making room in my schedule to partake in these helps me form and stay with the habit of presence and spiritual self care. We receive wonderful healings and meditations during the meetings, and we also receive prompts that will help facilitate spiritual growth. I have gained a greater understanding of the self and how to navigate and over come difficulties of any nature. If you are looking to grow and willing to show up for yourself I can not recommend healing circles enough. 
Larissa Kempf

Doctor of Chinese Medicine, LAc. Dipl. Ac.

I have been blessed with the wonderful opportunity and life changing guidance from Golden Healer classes. Before these classes I felt really alone and lacked the right teachings that I truly needed to grow my Soul and Spirit. My gratitude for these classes truly goes beyond words . I find myself happier and that my tool box of knowledge has grown beyond what I have ever dreamed. I am getting out of the mind chatter that has been holding me back and now I find that my path in life is brighter and more confident! What a gift indeed and to be blessed with hearing from all the healers in the group is very calming I really do not feel alone any more. Thanks Char for this guidance not only do I see and feel the change my family has noticed as well! I would absolutely refer one to reach out and grab this opportunity for yourself. Thanks and God Bless Always!
Michelle Cave

Realtor, Century 21 Morrison Realty

I have been working with Char for about 7 years now. What I like about her methods is that it is NOT talk therapy – and the results are better. Char has helped me see EVERYTHING I need is already within me. Char intuitively knows the questions to ask to get me looking in the right direction – within myself. Discovering what needs to be seen when it needs to be seen. Answers, realizations – true AHA’s bubble up from within – and I have made another step towards remembering my wholeness. With her direction I am able to uncover the Soul that I am. Oh – and lots of laughter, fun and silliness thrown in for good measure – Life is meant to be enjoyed.

K. Baker

This is the second Golden Healing Circle I have been a part of with Char. I had so many shifts in my life after attending the first group, it was without a doubt that I was going to be a part of the second group. We are in a time where we can no longer continue living the way we used to. It isn’t moving us forward and creating a life that we were meant to live. The information Char presents in these circles helps to shift me out of my old way of thinking and open up to the possibility of doing things differently. The healing meditations we do during this time are so powerful! I have been clearing old energy that no longer serves me and I can see the positive shifts and changes that are happening in my everyday life and with the people I spend the most time with. My wish is that everyone can experience the Golden Healing Circles!

Michelle L.

“Golden Circles with Char are AMAZING!! It’s not only a great opportunity to connect with alike souls but to learn tools to grow on a personal and soul level! It’s a great way to refill your cup and take time for YOU!! And the meditations are like no other!! I’d HIGHLY recommended ?

Crystal Lytle

Realtor, Century 21 Morrison Realty